The Institute was founded in 1929 on the initiative by Academician N.I. Vavilov. The history and the formation of the GNU VIZR is closely related to distinguished scientists in various areas of biological and agricultural sciences.
Among them there are Academician E.N. Pavloskyi, Professors Yachevsky, V.P. Pospelov, V.N. Stshegolev, N.A. Naumov, G. J. Bey-Bienko.
Nowadays the GNU VIZR is the leading center of the agricultural science in Russia, the head research institution for plant protection.
The major mission of the Institute at the present stage and the aim of its creation are to ensure food security of Russia by developing and implementation of innovative IPM-based systems of plant protection.
The key elements of IPM include: phytosanitary monitoring, resistant cultivars, biorational pesticides, biopreparations, natural enemies and other natural pest regulation mechanisms.
Major research lines and tasks:
Advanced methods for phytosanitary monitoring of pest organisms on the territory of the Russian Federation